Canutillo ISD district has been the subject of multiple complaints, including from us, because it “failed to respond appropriately to various requests for information under the Public Information Act (the “Act”), chapter 552 of the Government Code.°

Moreover, the district has failed to respond to the state’s Open Records Division, which has tried, in vain, to reach them.

The Division Chief of the Open Records Division responded to our complaint with the attached letter, indicating that Mr. Gustavo Reveles, the Director of Communications, is now required to complete an open records training course within 60 days of today. The letter was forwarded to us by Jahnna Ward of the Education and Enforcement Section.

If Canutillo ISD continues to ignore public information requests, the “attorney general may file suit for writ of mandamus compelling governmental body to make information available for public inspection if governmental body refuses to supply public information under the Act.”

We kindly ask that Mr. Reveles and his staff comply with the law so that the media and public may have ready access to public records from Canutillo ISD.

El Paso Taxpayer Revolt

PHOTO: Gustavo Reveles, Director of Communications, Canutillo ISD