Renard Johnson is the Oligarchy candidate for Mayor and is backed by Dee Margo, the big developers, and their bankers and attorneys. If you don’t believe us, check out the list of guests for his April 17 fundraiser in WestStar Tower.

Johnson favors deficit spending and corporate welfare but strategically maintains a shiny progressive veneer.

But don’t be fooled. He is a Dee Margo disguised as Beto and backed by Escobar and Samaniego.

His brother Tim Johnson has been indicted for a $3 million Ponzi scheme and could face decades in prison if convicted. Martin Paredes shows that Tim worked for Renard’s company METI during the entire period of his alleged crime, from February 2009 through May 2020, serving as Vice-President.

Yet Renard claims he had no involvement and that he is estranged from his brother, even though the two worked together, as President and Vice-President of METI, until only three years ago.

Dee Margo, probably the most unpopular Mayor in the history of El Paso, recently told Adam Powell of the El Paso Times: “I personally believe the only qualified candidate meeting my criteria is Renard Johnson.”

Since Margo adamantly supports Renard Johnson, we instinctively know to run in the opposite direction as fast as we can!

But the only current alternative to Johnson is Cassandra Hernandez, the worst politician since the Black Death of 1348. According to our patented Gassandra Clock, we will be free of her in 216 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes, and 33 seconds.

Let us hope that City Rep. Brian Kennedy meant it when he stated he is “seriously considering” running for Mayor.

PHOTO CREDIT: Gaby Velasquez, El Paso Times, 15 Mar 2023.
