During yesterday’s City Council meeting under agenda item 19, City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez of District 3 accused Mayor Oscar Leeser of neglecting communities of color and the poor because of his refusal to support $96 million of non-voter-approved debt.

You can view her comments here https://youtu.be/xvDOhE6CHk8 or watch the full video here, starting at 2:27.

Her comments were as follows:

“Mayor Leeser has touted El Paso as being one of the most taxed cities in the country and he also is touting the fact that we are the most indebted in the state. But I have a different perspective and I hope that members of Council will join me in unity to tell a different story. He has made clear that he’s gonna veto every attempt to issue any debt that’s going to support our infrastructure, that is going to support communities of color, disenfranchised communities, as well as communities who have low socio-economic status. So we can expect that moving forward, because that’s what he said in his comments.”

The Mayor snapped back angrily and called her out for her crude racist insinuation, while Rep. Svarzbein of District 1 rushed to her defense. The Mayor struck back at Svarzbein with blunt force. It is worth watching the entire exchange.

The Mayor rightfully pointed out that he defeated Dee Margo with 80% of the vote and that El Pasoans elected him to stop our out-of-control deficit spending, and that by vetoing the CO issuance he kept his promise to the voters.

As for Rep. Hernandez, her comments–though disregarded by our media–are now enshrined by YouTube in perpetuity and she can try to defend them the next time she runs for public office.

Enjoy your evening.