The media have reported that the Central Appraisal District recently increased our average property valuations by an average of 13.3%.

What they did not report, however, is that City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez of District 3 publicly advocated for higher valuations so that our local taxing entities could raise more revenue.

What, you don’t believe me?

Watch this video of Hernandez speaking to City Manager Tommy Gonzalez at a City Council meeting on March 20, 2018:

“It would be in our best interests, including every taxing entity, to ensure that all of the homes are being appraised at a higher level so that we can see more valuations and more tax revenue.”

So no one can accuse me of taking her remarks out of context, you can view them on this City Council video starting at the 1:31:00 mark, under agenda item 12.1.

Now that Hernandez and several of her colleagues on City Council got their wish, they just voted to increase our property tax by $83 for the average home ($167,000).

I have uploaded Hernandez’s comments to YouTube so that we can all admire her achievement in perpetuity.

Mission accomplished!