Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code gives the media and public the right to access records from any government entity within the State, including school districts.
We recently filed requests for public records from all nine school districts within El Paso County and Canutillo ISD is the only one that failed to produce the requested documents within 10 business days as required by law.
On April 7 we asked for (1) a complete list of the names, titles, and salaries of all current Canutillo ISD employees, and (2) a precise accounting of how Canutillo ISD plans to spend the $386.2 million bond if it passes on May 4, 2024.
Not only did Canutillo ISD miss the April 19 deadline to respond to us, but when we texted Communications Director Gustavo Reveles to complain, he responded that they are “inundated” with requests and short of staff.

Yesterday we filed a formal complaint with the Office of the Attorney General, which immediately referred the case to the Enforcement Division for review.
We still have not received a response from Canutillo ISD.
We learned that ABC-7 submitted a request for public information from Canutillo ISD about one year ago and still has not received a reply, even after filing a complaint with the Texas Attorney General’s Office in May 2023.
Yesterday we confirmed with ABC-7 Content Manager Lesley Engle that Canutillo ISD still has not complied with the newsroom’s request.
When a school district refuses to respond to the media or general public and denies them public records, it is an egregious violation of the public trust as well as Texas law.
The violations by Canutillo ISD are especially concerning when one remembers that tomorrow, May 4 is their bond election, with $386.2 million on the line.
ABC-7, the El Paso Taxpayer Revolt, and probably other media outlets have been unable to provide the public with independently acquired information from Canutillo ISD in advance of the bond election.
The El Paso Taxpayer Revolt has already called for the resignation of Armando Rodriguez, President of the Board of Trustees, along with Superintendent Pedro Galaviz and CFO Martha Piekarski.
Now we are adding to that list Communications Director Gustavo Reveles plus any and all staff charged with producing public information for the media upon request.
We will pursue this issue every day until we receive the records to which we are legally entitled.