Alejandra Chavez is the Oligarchy candidate for District 1.

She is raking in the big bucks from Woody Hunt, Rick Francis, Bill Sanders, and all their friends and intent upon increasing our property tax and growing our debt.

She is for issuing hundreds of millions in bonds for a downtown arena and constructing a deck plaza over Interstate-10 for her campaign contributors, no matter what the cost.


We have learned that before she opened her restaurant on Mesa Street, Chavez was a risk manager for Enron Corporation, which engaged in the most egregious accounting fraud in American corporate history.

The Houston energy giant filed for bankruptcy in 2001, liquidated its assets, and laid off all 20,600 employees, many of whom lost most or all of their pensions.

Chavez worked for Enron until November 2001, days before their bankruptcy filing, and watched its spectacular financial collapse from the front row.

You will not find her employment by Enron in her LinkedIn account!

Notably, she filed for her own bankruptcy in 2009, when her business liabilities exceeded her assets by 14 to 1. Martin Paredes of El Paso News shared with us the filing, showing $777,608 in liabilities and $53,573 in assets.

There is nothing wrong with declaring bankruptcy. Many businesses fail or go into a restructuring phase.

But do we really want a former risk manager for one of the worst-run companies in American history whose business went into Chapter 11 to manage our City’s $1.3 billion budget?

Hell no!

Has our local media revealed these facts about this candidate for City Council?

Of course not.

But in the El Paso Times you can read all about which movie star used which bathroom in which El Paso restaurant… So much for election coverage.

The solution to Chavez is Monica Reyes, who is fiscally conservative and always on point. She is the best choice for City District 1 and is supported by Mayor Leeser and Rep. Brian Kennedy.