Last night Stephanie Valle and Erik Elken of KVIA hosted CFO Robert Cortinas and Project Manager Yvette Hernandez of the City of El Paso on ABC-7 XTRA to discuss the Community Progress Bond that is on the ballot this election.

The $272,480,000 general obligation bond consists of three ballot propositions: $246,480,000 for streets, $20,800,000 for parks and recreation, and $5,200,000 for climate change.

As expected, Cortinas and Hernandez tried their best to justify this expenditure and the fact that there is never enough money in the General Fund for streets.

Toward the end of the program, Valle interviews Dave Marino, Chair of the El Paso County Libertarian Party for four minutes. Marino rips the City for its failure to fund streets and emphatically urges voters to reject all three bond propositions.

He doesn’t stop there. He goes on to discuss our property tax and the Quality of Life Bond projects, exclaiming: “Quality of Life is putting money back in the pockets of El Pasoans, not raising our property taxes.”

I highly recommend that everyone watch Marino’s brilliant commentary.
