In order to recall Rep. Cassandra Hernandez from office, someone would first need to file a Notice of Intent with the City Clerk.

At that point, the petitioner would have 60 days to submit 4,884 signatures of registered District 3 voters.

Per City Ordinance 008066, the petitioner would need “20% of the total number of votes cast in the election of the officer whose recall is sought.” Hernandez was re-elected on November 3, 2020 and 24,416 votes were cast in the race for that office. 20% of that figure is 4,884.

The ordinance makes clear that Hernandez cannot be recalled within one year of the end of her term of office, which is January 7, 2025. Thus, the recall process would have to be completed no later than January 7, 2024.

If the petition is submitted by the deadline and verified by the City Clerk, there will be an election that will give District 3 voters the opportunity to remove Hernandez from office and replace her with a new representative.

In order to be successful, the petitioner would need to be a strong leader and organizer. He/she would need to gather about a dozen committed volunteers to block-walk District 3 to obtain 4,884 signatures within 60 days.

Given her absolutely miserable tax-and-spend voting record and her letter of reprimand from the City Ethics Review Commission for abusing her gas card privileges, will the citizens of District 3 stand up and lead such an effort?

Enquiring minds want to know!