Wesley Lawrence is running against incumbent Joe Molinar for City District 4 and is a rising star in the progressive Democratic establishment, promoting his leftist agenda on social media.

But check out this photo from June 19, 2018, when Lawrence was a loyal aide to conservative Republican Rick Seeberger, who was running for Congress against Veronica Escobar.

Seeberger is pictured at left, followed by Pam Faraone, Wesley Lawrence, and Irene Armendariz-Jackson.

Lawrence attended innumerable GOP events, volunteering and handing out GOP materials to visitors.

But these days you are more likely to see him cavorting with the Squad, or screaming at an anti-Zionist rally.

What a difference only six years makes!

We have to hand it to Lawrence. He did a pretty good job of purging his recent Republican past from his social media but, as they say, “the Internet is forever.” You cannot erase every trace.

We thought you would enjoy this picture from Rick Seeberger’s Facebook page, which we are sharing with his permission.

Lawrence must be the most politically confused person ever to run for City Council.

But not Rep. Molinar, who consistently stands for lower taxes, less spending, and better governance, and deserves to be re-elected.