The 30th-day and 8th-day campaign finance reports reveal that a new company called Fair Data and three of its managing partners—Christopher Hernandez, Vince Perez and Carlos Sierra—were paid a total of $79,703.98 to assist the campaigns of the Oligarchy candidates for City Council. The other two managing partners are Jeremy Jordan and David Saucedo II.
The company provides voter data and text messaging services to political candidates and is headquartered at 711 N. Copia St., which is also the address of the Saucedo Lock Co.
Outside of Fair Data, Hernandez works as a political consultant under his own name and also has a PAC called “El Paso Progress.” Perez provides consulting services as VMP STRATEGIES, LLC and Sierra as Renegade Public Affairs, LLC.
Here are the activities of Fair Data and its partners that appear in the campaign finance reports:
10/10 $6,000 to Chris Hernandez, consulting/field director expenses
10/10 $673.82 to Fair Data LLC, text messaging
10/30 $2,000 to Chris Hernandez, consulting
7/27 $1,000 to Chris Hernandez, ground game/consulting
8/17 $1,000 to Chris Hernandez, consulting
8/29 $1,000 to Chris Hernandez, canvassing
8/30 $7,500 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, consulting
8/30 $2,422 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, marketing/print material
9/7 $1,000 to Chris Hernandez, canvassing/ground game
9/19 $376 to Chris Hernandez, block walking
10/7 $5,500 to Renegade Public Relations, digital campaign
10/11 $1,500 to Chris Hernandez, canvassing
10/18 $7,000 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, consulting
10/18 $850 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, advertising
10/18 $3,300 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, graphic design
10/18 $2,500 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, canvassing
10/18 $5,300 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, mailer
10/18 $500 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, graphic design
10/25 $1,623.75 to VMP STRATEGIES, LLC, printing
10/28 $961.25 to Renegade Public Relations, advertising/robo-dial
10/29 $2,053.84 to Renegade Public Affairs, data/polling/text
10/29 $11,200 to Renegade Public Affairs, advertising expense
10/29 $5,300 to Renegade Public Affairs, mailer
7/29 $3,933 to Renegade Public Affairs, photos and media production
10/4 $500 to Christopher Hernandez, GOTC Services
10/4 $493.92 to Fair Data, LLC, texting service
10/26 $1,500 to Fair Data, LLC, voter database
10/26 $2,716.40 to Fair Data, LLC, text messages
Thus, First Data and three of its managing partners collectively received $75,487.58in compensation to aid the campaigns of all four Oligarchy candidates, who support Tommy Gonzalez, high taxation, deficit spending, corporate welfare, and wasteful projects such as arenas, water parks, and trolleys.
Moreover, the PAC El Paso Progress, which is run by Chris Hernandez, paid Fair Data $4,216.40 to promote the $272,480,000 “Community Progress Bond,” which consists entirely of stuff that should have been covered by the city General Fund.
This morning I asked David Saucedo why Fair Data and three of its managing partners are exclusively supporting Oligarchy candidates, and the Community Progress Bond. He replied on the record:
“We [Fair Data] provide professional campaign services for various clients who need help getting their message out to the community. Community members decide elections. Not consultants. But we believe community members can make more informed decisions if candidates have better ability to communicate with their electorate. Fair Data is open to all candidates, regardless of party or financial affiliations.”
I should point out that another major consultant, Mark Smith, received $3,000 from Analisa Cordova Silverstein on August 23. He was paid $2,750 by Isabel Salcido on August 25 for a fundraiser, apparently for the one held at the Margos on September 7 that yielded tens of thousands in Westsider contributions. Smith also provided Salcido with $5,250 worth of consulting on October 5 in the form of an in-kind donation. So Smith was compensated a total of $11,000 for his involvement in two campaigns.
Hernandez, Perez, Sierra and Smith have a very tough challenge this election cycle. They must convince El Paso voters, on behalf of their clients, that high taxation, deficit spending, taxpayer-supported incentives for the rich, and non-essential capital projects are good for our community.
I beg to differ.