Yesterday evening the City Ethics Review Commission unanimously rejected Rep. Cassandra Hernandez’s request for reconsideration of Determination, which resulted in her Letter of Reprimand dated July 24.
Her attorney made a nice speech before she stood up and strenuously tried to convince the Commission to accede to her demands.
Before recusing himself, Chair Casey Williams expressed his outrage that Hernandez’s husband Jeremy Jordan filed a complaint against him with the State Bar of New Mexico, which was dismissed immediately.
The takeaway moment was when Bruce Yetter, the acting Chair of the Commission, asked Hernandez of she believed the fuel purchased with her gas card was “free money.”
Hernandez responded by pointing at Yetter and stammering, “That statement is a hostile statement!”
After retiring into Executive Session, the Commission emerged and announced that none of Hernandez’s evidence was new and thus there was no basis for reconsideration.
Her request was summarily dismissed after a motion by Commissioner Ryan Woodcraft.
The Letter of Reprimand stands.